
Questionnaires and lists of variables

All questionnaires and lists of variables are available as pdf-file or xls-file via the links below:

SNC Core file (xls)
Dataset Census 2000 – Questionnaire (PDF)
Dataset Census 2000 – Variable List (XLS)
Dataset Census 1990 – Questionnaire (PDF)
Dataset Census 1990  – Variable List (PDF or XLS)
datasets register-based censuses 2010-2019 (XLS)*

* several variables not every year available

Mortality data 1991-2019 (xls or pdf)
population movement statistics 2010-2019 (xls)
structural Surveys 2010-2019 (pdf or xls)
sWiss health survey 1992 (pdf or xls)
sWiss neighbourhood index 1.0 (2000), 2.0 (2012-2015), 3.0 (HYBRID: 2000, 2012-2015) (xls)